比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選
推薦比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選文筆平凡而生動,
令我深陷其中、欲罷不能、愛不釋手的佳作! 看完還讓我回味無窮!
比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選誠意推薦給大家看喔!
好看的社會科學比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選全書的內容大意
比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: 博客來網路書店 The focus of this first volume is the EEC’s relations with the Republic of China located in Taiwan covering the period of the 1950s to the 1970s but particularly the 1960s-1970s in the context of the People’s Republic of China coming onto the world stage based on archival materials collected from the Archives of the European Commission and the Council of Ministers. The authors let the archives speak, so to speak; hence, the extensive archival references at the end of each chapter. In setting this time period, the authors in this volume have chosen to relate the story in a chronological order as far as possible. The advantage of this approach is that it gives a kind of “daily life”, dynamism of the relations between both sides as issues and events unfold. Gaps in re-counting what happened required the use of two secondary sources on trade ties especially for the early years of the 1950s and 1960s.During this time period with its economic and political dimensions, the crux is state recognition, diplomatic relations and trade relations. Starting with the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States of 1933a State is defined as follows: “The State as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with other states.”1 However, fulfilling all the criteria for? statehood does not automatically mean that other states will grant recognition. Granting state recognition is at the discretion of states affected by political considerations and vested interests.
來自喵星的療癒師:貓咪總愛搞自閉,卻打開羅肯這顆封閉的心 | 翻轉人生的築夢者 | 愛在轉瞬間:見證愛與勇氣的潔希日記 | |||
我只是在不同的道路上:一位懂多國語言的自閉症學者,最扎心的真實告白 | 朴槿惠傳:只要不絕望,就會有希望 | 反正競賽還很長 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: 鄒忠科, Paul Joseph Lim
- 出版社:五南 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/02/02
- 語言:英文
比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選
倚風樓書簡 | 空山靈雨 | 出去吃麵 | |||
梵谷書簡全集 | 書簡 | 海內外青年女作家選集(12)(POD) |
比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選推薦,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選討論,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選比較評比,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選開箱文,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選部落客
比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選那裡買,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選價格,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選特賣會,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選評比,比較The EU and Taiwan Relationship (1950s-1970s)指名首選部落客 推薦
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